Texas, USA: useita kuoli MC-jengien tulitaistelussa

Sana on vapaa, jos uskaltaa...
Viestit: 500
Liittynyt: La Syys 10, 2011 2:09 am

Re: Texasissa useita kuollut mp-jengien välisessä ammuskelus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Koimies »

Kannattaisi Kikki mennä itse kysymään, että mikäs kumma sen huivin päässä oikein lymyää. :mrgreen:

Nämä "alapainoiset" Harrikat ym. customit nousevat muuten helpommin pystyyn kuin monet muut

Lihaskysymys? Monessa nekkausmatsissa on nähty, että jäntevä ja osaava äijä pistää pakettiin vahvemman näköisen. Kun lihasmäärä vain ylittää tietyn kriittisen rajan ja vielä löytyy taitoa ja nopeutta, sellainen mies näyttää pärjäilevän. Jos joskus menet pillkomaan kirveellä halkoja, tajuat tältäkin puolelta lyönnin idean erityisesti nopeuden merkityksen ja kirveen painon viitteellisyyden pohjalta.
Miehen allekirjoitus: Kasvoista kasvoihin.
Perry Mason
Viestit: 3647
Liittynyt: Ti Heinä 08, 2008 8:15 pm

Re: Texasissa useita kuollut mp-jengien välisessä ammuskelus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rescuer »

50 Weapons Found at Waco Crime Scene
Tue, 05/19/2015 - 2:40pm by Sean Allocca
Texas law enforcement authorities confiscated 50 weapons at the scene of the deadly shooting in Waco, Texas, and continue to scour the area, according to AP reports published today.

The shooting began inside the Twin Peaks restaurant and spilled out into the parking lot after a parking dispute, Waco police Sgt. Patrick Swanton told media outlets, and that authorities anticipate over 100 weapons will be confiscated before the crime scene investigation is complete.

The weapons taken by police are mostly firearms and knives, but a chain with a padlock attached was also seized that was allegedly used for the purpose of beating others, Swanton told the AP.

Violence between the two rival motorcycle groups, the Bandidos and the Cossacks, erupted last Sunday afternoon, leading to nine deaths and leaving 18 injured, after a vehicle ran over a gang member’s foot an incited violence inside the restaurant, according to reports. Violence between the two gangs was mounting in recent months, with a handful of instances reported in media outlets in March.

"Violence between members of the Bandidos OMG and the Cossacks MC has increased in Texas with no indication of diminishing," according to a Texas Department of Public Safety bulletin, cited by WFAA news. The bulletin also said that the conflict stemmed from the Cossack members refusing to pay Bandidos certain dues for operating in Texas, and that the Cossacks claimed Texas as their territory by wearing the “Texas bottom rocker” on their “colors” or “cuts,” slang for vests.

This combination of booking photos provided by the McLennan County Sheriff's office shows people arrested during the motorcycle gang related shooting at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas on Sunday, May 17, 2015. Top row from left; Ray Allen, Brian Brincks, Salvador Campos, Richard Cantu and David Cepeda. Middle row from left; Bohar Crump, James David, James Devoll, Matthew Folse and Juan Garcia. Bottom row from left; Mario Gonzalez, James Gray, Jim Harris, Michael Herring and Tommy Jennings. (McLennan County Sheriff's Office via AP)
Mitä enemmän vihreitä hymiöitä, sitä heikommat argumentit.
Eräässä entisessä hallituspuolueessa oltiin erittäin kiinnostuneita uusista pilvipalveluista. Sitten joku kertoi heille, ettei pilvipalveluilla ole mitään tekemistä kannabiksen kanssa...
Nikke Knakkertton
Viestit: 195
Liittynyt: Pe Marras 18, 2011 8:13 pm

Re: Texasissa useita kuollut mp-jengien välisessä ammuskelus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Karvaperuna »

Kovin on rapulaisen olosta sakkia noissa pidätyskuvissa… :D
Koht sattuu Juhaa leukaan! KopS! Noniin, nyt on Juhalla leuka kipeä.
Kikki Hiiri
Martin Riggs
Viestit: 606
Liittynyt: Ma Tammi 28, 2013 8:54 pm

Re: Texasissa useita kuollut mp-jengien välisessä ammuskelus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kikki Hiiri »

Toisaalta luin hieman toisenlaisen kuvauksen tapahtumista, kas tässä:
ATF and Texas Kops and Rangers Fired OVER 500 rounds at the Peaceful MC Members Gathered for the Monthly Meeting.
The Waco Massacre: Peaceful bikers rode into a killing field.

The ATF was there with their Federal guidance to make sure that justice was swift and absolute.

No shots were fired by anyone inside the restaurant. No shots were fired by anyone at the police. When bikers decided to leave the restaurant and enter the parking lot, the police began shooting full-auto equipped M-16’s into the crowd. Patrons began diving under tables and screaming for their lives. Little waitresses dropped their trays and ran with terror in their eyes behind the chef’s counter. A twice decorated Viet Nam War veteran was shot in the head and neck, although he was a highly respected pacifist, was unarmed and not involved in any of the scuffle inside the Twin Peaks establishment. Eight more US citizens were gunned down in cold blood. More than 500 rounds were fired by police, hitting cars, buildings, and injuring other innocent bystanders who happened to look like bikers. Two shots took seven of the nine people assassinated in the parking lot; one in the neck and one in the head fired by expert police marksmen.

Within an hour, the police press statement belched lies about “criminal biker gangs,” dealing drugs and other things that never happened; not once in the 18 years bikers have been meeting peacefully at the Waco Twin Peaks restaurant. The police spokesman first mentioned hundreds of weapons confiscated, including chains that connected wallets to belt loops. Then they changed it to dozens. Then, the facts showed there were fewer than ten, and one was still holstered by a licensed concealed carry American, who had undergone an extensive background check and was found to be spotless. His bond was placed at an unreasonable $1 million. Of the 170 bikers arrested for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, less than a third had any criminal record. Three of them had drafted a new piece of legislation about biker safety, and have since been awarded by the City Counsel for safety awareness. Of course, they couldn’t be there to accept the award, because they were in jail.

To this moment, no waitresses, cooks, or patrons have been interviewed by the press. Witness intimidation is in full force making sure no one says anything about what really happened. All surveillance video has been classified and is currently being edited by law enforcement professionals to make sure no officers are charged with murder. This was clearly a premeditated, Federal assault designed to kill first, and arrest the survivors.

It has been an infuriating eight days, and nothing has been said by the new Attorney General about unarmed citizens gunned down at a Sunday lunch in broad daylight by more than 18 armed policemen, militarized by a new Federal plan. 14 police officers have been placed on administrative leave, their lives changed forever by following orders to shoot Americans in the head. They died while screaming and waving their arms at the police to please stop shooting. There have been no protests and no demonstrations anywhere. Again, the Federal criminal perpetrators have massacred civilians in Waco, Texas. Remember the Branch Davidians burned alive on live national television by Federal troops while then attorney general Janet Reno watched the news at home? America sits idly by and says nothing as our police, sworn to protect and to serve, have been turned into cold-blooded assassins.
Lähde: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... 730&type=1

Aihetta sivutaan kans täällä http://beforeitsnews.com/police-state/2 ... -1466.html
Everything in the world is either a potato or not a potato
Hetty Wainthropp
Viestit: 480
Liittynyt: Ma Tammi 23, 2012 11:47 am
Paikkakunta: Pori

Re: Texasissa useita kuollut mp-jengien välisessä ammuskelus

Viesti Kirjoittaja JackSparrow »

Aika pyssymiehiä noi jenkkiviranomaiset.
Syntyminen on vain kuoleman odotusta
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