Sureños 13/ms 13

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Viestit: 46
Liittynyt: Su Elo 19, 2018 1:35 pm

Re: Sureños 13/ms 13

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kroisos_ »

Trump called on Congress to “finally close the deadly loopholes that have allowed MS-13 members” into the U.S. during his first State of the Union address. He also acknowledged parents of MS-13 victims – some of whom were guests of the White House for the speech – and said the country “is praying for you.”

Meet Evelyn Rodriguez, Freddy Cuevas, Elizabeth Alvarado, and Robert Mickens: #SOTU
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 31, 2018

Trump has often blamed the Obama administration for the rise of MS-13 across the country. The gang was sanctioned as a transnational criminal organization by the Treasury Department in 2012.

Trump's Justice and Homeland Security Departments have made targeting the gang a top priority. Sessions instructed his department's law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors across the country to prioritize MS-13 members’ prosecution, as directed by an executive order Trump signed in February 2017.

The classification of MS-13 allows some local police departments to tap into federal money to help with investigations. Suffolk County was granted $500,000 by the federal government.

Trump has used the word "animals" to describe members of MS-13, and says he will continue to use the term when speaking about members of the gang.

In July 2017, Trump visited Brentwood, N.Y., a town that has experienced firsthand the tragedy caused by MS-13, and pledged to push Congress for additional federal immigration agents to crack down on gang members who are in the country illegally. He is back on Long Island in May 2018 to hold a roundtable discussion on gang violence.
What are some of MS-13’s more notable killings?
FILE - In this Sept. 27, 2016 file photo, a poster featuring photos of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas is part of a memorial near the spot where their bodies were found in Brentwood, N.Y. Mickens, 15, and Cuevas, 16, both students at Brentwood High School, were beaten and hacked to death by a carload of gang members who spotted them walking down the street. Investigators said Cuevas had been feuding verbally with gang members. President Donald Trump is scheduled travel to New York on Friday, July 28, to meet with law enforcement on Long Island and discuss the MS-13 street gang. (AP Photo/Claudia Torrens, File)

A poster featuring photos of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas is part of a memorial near the spot where their bodies were found in Brentwood, N.Y. The two girls were beaten and hacked to death by a carload of gang members who spotted them walking down the street. (AP Photo/Claudia Torrens)

-Two teenage girls from Brentwood, N.Y. were found dead after being brutally beaten and cut in September 2016. Kayla Cuevas, 16, was targeted by gang members and her friend, 15-year-old Nisa Mickens, tried to scare off the attackers, WPIX-TV reported.

-The remains of Oscar Acosta, a 19-year-old high school senior, were found in a wooded area in Brentwood in September 2016. Acosta, who had been missing for months, came to the U.S. from El Salvador and had told his mother he was worried about gangs, she told WNBC-TV.

-The remains of Miguel Garcia-Moran were found in the same area as Acosta’s in September 2016. He was 15 years old at the time of his death and had been missing since February. Police said he was the victim of a homicidal beating.

-Damaris Reyes Rivas, 15, was killed in January 2017 and found one month later buried under railroad ties. The teenager, from Gaithersburg, Maryland, was stabbed multiple times by MS-13 gang members who filmed the brutal attack. Venus Romero Iraheta, who was 17 at the time of the attack, pleaded guilty in 2018 to the murder. She told Reyes Rivas “don’t forget my name” during the slaying, Iraheta told investigators.

-Police in Nassau County charged Kevin Granados-Coreas, 19, and Carlos Portillo, 22, with second-degree murder in the killing of Julio Cesar Gonzales-Espantzay. Police said MS-13 gang members lured the 19-year-old with the promise of marijuana and sex before they hacked him to death in a park. Gonzales-Espantzay was not a gang member, police said.

-Prosecutors said Christian Villagran Morales was stabbed more than 153 times in a Maryland park. Juan Gutierrez-Vazquez took part in the 2016 killing, holding down the victim while other gang members took turns stabbing him, prosecutors said. Gutierrez-Vazquez pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Vanesa Alvarado, who was accused of luring Morales to the park, was also sentenced to 40 years in jail.

-The bodies of four young men, ranging in ages from 16 to 20, were found in April 2017 in a park in Central Islip, N.Y. Police said all had signs of “significant trauma.” Justin Llivicura, 16; Michael Lopez Banegas, 20; Jefferson Villalobos, 18; and Jorge Tigre, 18; were reportedly lured to the park by two women associated with MS-13 before they were ambushed by more than a dozen gang members armed with wooden clubs and machetes.

-Angel Soler was 15 years old when he went missing in July 2017. His body was found a few months later in the Roosevelt hamlet of Long Island, police said. Soler was hacked to death with a machete as he was attacked by a group of people, police said. Several MS-13 members have been indicted or charged in connection to his murder. ... arget.html
Vic Mackey
Viestit: 1981
Liittynyt: Ti Elo 14, 2007 7:19 pm

Re: Sureños 13/ms 13

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jaguaari »

Lisää vajakkinarkkeja :D
Nikke Knakkertton
Viestit: 158
Liittynyt: Ke Joulu 08, 2010 6:39 am

Re: Sureños 13/ms 13

Viesti Kirjoittaja foreSKIN » ... ta/7183264

45-vuotias Ivan, entinen hondurasilainen poliisi, päätti paeta kohti Yhdysvaltoja, kun kotimaassa katujengiläiset yrittivät pakottaa hänen kaksi poikaansa riveihinsä. Ivan ei halunnut kokeilla, oliko jengi tosissaan uhatessaan tappaa pojat, jos isä kieltäytyy.

Poikia, aseen piippu otsalla 15-vuotiasta Yostinia ja 13-vuotiasta Juliota, uhkasi luultavasti MS-13 eli Mara Salvatrucha -jengi.

Kotikaupungissaan San Pedro Sulassa Ivan todennäköisesti poliisina toimiessaan kohtasi näitä katujengiläisiä usein. Ivanin mukaan jengiläiset tietävät, kuka hän on, joten paluu on mahdoton.
Ivan tarkkailee, näkyykö jengitatuointeja

Hän tarkkailee herkeämättä, näkyykö joidenkin kohti Yhdysvaltoja kulkevien tuhansien ihmisten käsivarsissa, rintakehässä, selässä tai kasvoissa MS:n tatuointeja. Joidenkin jengiläisten vartalon yläosa on tatuoitu kauttaaltaan.

– He tuntevat meidät ja saalistavat meitä, Ivan kertoo.

Reuters sanoo, ettei se ole kyennyt vahvistamaan Ivanin kertomia asioita.

Mara Salvatruchan eli ”marojen” olemassaolo, vaikutusvalta ja harjoittamansa väkivalta ovat kuitenkin keskiamerikkalaista väkivaltaista arkea.

Marat ovat terrorisoineet erityisesti Hondurasia, El Salvadoria ja Guatemalaa jo vuosia.
MS-13 syntyi Los Angelesissa 1980-luvulla

Jengin vaikutusvalta ulottuu yhä enemmän myös Meksikoon, ja se vaikuttaa lisäksi Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa, kertoo InSight Crime -sivusto. Yhdysvallat luokittelee MS-13:n kansainväliseksi rikollisjärjestöksi.

Yhdysvallat itse asiassa on "marojen" syntypaikka.

1980-luvulla Keski-Amerikan valtioita repivät sisällissodat ja konfliktit. Moni pakeni Yhdysvaltoihin ja Kaliforniaan.

Los Angelesissa he saapuivat meksikolaisten asuttamiin kortteleihin. Itseään suojellakseen jotkut paenneista perustivat jengejä.

Näistä esiin nousi elsalvadorilainen Mara Salvatrucha, johon alkoi liittyä myös muista latinalaisen Amerikan maista tulleita. Jengin nimi onkin johdettu keskiamerikkalaisesta slangisanastosta. M puolestaan on aakkosten 13. kirjain.
Karkotetut saapuvat tuntemattomaan maahan

Laajenemalla ja liittoutumalla "maroista" oli tullut niin näkyvä uhka, että 1990-luvun lopulla Yhdysvallat aloitti yhä jatkuvat rikoksiin syyllistyneiden karkottamiset syntymämaihinsa.

Moni heistä saapui puutteesta, epävarmuudesta, väkivallasta ja syvästä epätasa-arvosta kärsivään maahan, josta olivat lähteneet hyvin nuorina, ja siten sitä tuskin edes tunsivat.

Tilannetta vaikeutti kokokaan pututuva tai vähäninen minkään alan ammattitaito, työkokemus ja valmiudet paikalliseen normaaliin elämiseen ja toimeentuloon.

Niinpä Yhdysvalloissa opitut jengiytymisen taidot toivat turvaa vaikeissa oloissa maissa, joissa korruptoituneet ja itsekin väkivaltaiset viranomaiset eli muun muassa poliisi olivat vihollisia. Uhkana olivat myös paikalliset jengit, kuten yhä vaikutusvaltainen Barrio 18.

Maailman väkivaltaisimpia ei-sotaa käyviä maita listattaessa El Salvador, Guatemala ja Honduras kaupunkeineen saavat kyseenalaista kunniaa.
Jengejä jo kolmannessa sukupolvessa

"Maroja" tai muita jengejä ei ole kyetty kukistamaan. Ne ovat juurtumassa eri tason rakenteisiin yhteiskunnissa. Jäseniä niissä arvioidaan olevan yhteensä ainakin kymmeniätuhansia.

Insight Crimen mukaan jengiläiset ovat jo toisen tai kolmannen sukupolven järjestöjensä jäseniä.

Järjestöt harjoittavat muun muassa kiristystoimintaa, huume- ja ihmiskauppaa, palkkamurhia, ja kidnappauksia.

MS-13:n levittäytyminen Meksikoon näkyy muun muassa sen osallistumisena siirtolaisten ihmiskauppaan ja meksikolaisten kartellien huumekauppaan.

Jengit rekrytoivat itselleen jäseniä muun muassa vankiloissa. Lisäksi ne uhkaavat poikia ja nuoria miehiä liittymään riveihinsä kuoleman uhalla.
"Tyttöystävät" kauppatavaraa

Joillekin rikkinäisten ja köyhien perheiden nuorille jengit tarjoavat turvaa, ehkä kuvitelman ulospääsystä ankeista oloista. Jengiläiset saattavat myös näyttäytyä sankareina tai idoleina aseineen, ulospäin uhmakkaine eleineen ja tyttöystävineen.

”Tyttöystävät” eli ”jainat” ovat jopa kauppatavaraa.

Reutersin haastattelema hondurasilainen MS-13:n jäsen, 28-vuotias Henry Fernando, muistelee, kuinka vuosia sitten tultuaan karkotetuksi Yhdysvalloista, hän oli taas jenginsä parissa – ja sai jenginsä pomolta ”jainan” vastapalveluksena myymästään huumeesta.
Jengistä lähteminen hengenvaarallista

Puistattavaa todellisuutta, josta ”mara” Fernandokin haluaisi pois. Hänellä on pieni poika. Se ei ole kuitenkaan yksinkertaista. Ja jos hän pääseekin pakoon, muistona ja viestinä ulospäin on tatuoitu iho.

Reutersin haastattelemat 15 jengiläistä kertovat, että jengistä pääsee pois joko tulemalla tapetuksi tai liittymällä evankeliseen kirkkoon. Pako kauas on kolmas vaihtehto.

Jengiväkivallan uhka ei ole ainoa syy, mikä ajaa ihmisiä kohti amerikkalaista unelmaa tai edes turvaa. Mutta Mara Salvatrucha tai Barrio 18 ovat monille riittävän todellisia painajaisia.
Intiaanit eivät pysäyttäneet muukalaisten maahanmuuttoa. Siksi he istuvatkin nyt reservaateissa.
Aloitteleva Besserwisser
Viestit: 11
Liittynyt: Ti Loka 23, 2018 9:00 am

Re: Sureños 13/ms 13

Viesti Kirjoittaja bastardofinlandese »

Surenos on eteläläisen kalifornian chicanot joilla beeffi nortenoiden (pohjois kali). Teoriassa EMEllä on eli meksikon mafialla on kaikki surenot käskyvallan alla. Ja Nuestra Familialla nortenot.. MS-13 taas on muistaakseni El Salvadorilaisten ja muiden etelä amerikkalaisten perustama jengi, ottivat oppia kalifornian katujengeiltä ja veivät vaikutteet mukanaan kotimaahansa.. surenoilla ja ms-13 ei ole mitään tekemistä keskenään.. sit toi barrio 18 on myös samoilta huudeilta.. katsoin jonkun dokkarin niin ms-13 ja barrio 18 jäsenillä molemmilla oli oma vankila, joissa oli vaan oman jengin jäseniä.. muutenhan nuo tappaisivat toisensa.

noi marat leikkelee ihmisiltä päitä irti ja ovat kyllä täysiä elukoita muutenkin.. en ole ihan varma, mutta olen lukenut että ms-13 on jalansijaa eurooopassa ihan espajanssa asti..
Martin Riggs
Viestit: 648
Liittynyt: Pe Kesä 21, 2013 8:19 pm

Re: Sureños 13/ms 13

Viesti Kirjoittaja Scruffy »

bastardofinlandese kirjoitti:
noi marat leikkelee ihmisiltä päitä irti ja ovat kyllä täysiä elukoita muutenkin.. en ole ihan varma, mutta olen lukenut että ms-13 on jalansijaa eurooopassa ihan espajanssa asti..
Tämmöisen jutun löysin. Eli et ollut hakoteillä.
MS13 Trial in Spain Highlights Gang’s Struggle for International Unity

BRIEFWritten by Angelika Albaladejo - FEBRUARY 21, 2018
El Salvador

The trial has begun in Spain related to the country’s largest-ever operation against the MS13, revealing details of the Central American gang’s failed attempt to unify factions and expand operations internationally.

Spain’s biggest operation against the MS13, which brought down top leadership and halted the gang’s expansionist attempts in March 2014, culminated on February 20 this year with the start of a trial in the Mediterranean coastal town of Alicante.

The hierarchy and functioning of the MS13 in Spain are detailed by the Attorney General’s Office in a list of charges against 35 leaders and members of the gang obtained by Spanish news outlet El País.

The MS13’s “clicas,” or cells, which controlled various territories in Spain, coordinated with top-ranking leadership in El Salvador and were engaged in an expansionist agenda called “Program 34” (“Programa 34”), according to prosecutors from the special organized crime and anti-corruption unit of the Spanish Attorney General’s Office.

At the time of the 2014 operation that dismantled the MS13 network, the gang had formed five factions known as “Providence” in Madrid, “Normandi” in Girona, “Dementes Locos” and “Demonios Locos” in Barcelona and “Big Crazy” in Ibi, a city inland of Alicante that served as the gang’s largest and most centrally-located faction.

According to prosecutors, the MS13’s expansion plan had financial and logistical support from the gang’s El Salvador-based leadership and focused on opening legal businesses that could be used to launder illicit funds and provide jobs for formerly incarcerated members as well as visas for Salvadoran gang members seeking to go to Europe.

The majority of the MS13’s operations in Spain are thought to have been financed through the sale of marijuana and cocaine, as well as with monthly dues paid by members.

The most significant charges in the case are those against Esteban Arnulfo Naviti Mejía, alias “Darkin,” and Pablo Antonio Naviti Mejía, alias “Big Man,” respectively the alleged leader and lieutenant of the Big Crazy faction in Ibi. The alleged gang members are accused of ordering the murder of a member of the rival “Los Manosru” gang in late 2013, as well as the murder of a witness in a case that implicated the MS13 in early 2014. Authorities intervened and prevented both attempted murders.

Other charges include money laundering, attempt and conspiracy to murder, drug trafficking and illegal possession of firearms.

Prosecutors initially requested a combined 230 years in prison for the accused, with Darkin facing the longest sentence of 30 years, El Mundo reported. However, on the first day of trial, prosecutors and defense lawyers reached an agreement to reduce the sentences of the accused in exchange for confessions. As a result, alleged leaders are expected to face no more than 10 years in prison and low-ranking members will likely receive sentences of 2 years or less, El País reported.

Pending final approval of this agreement, the trial has been suspended until March 8.

As Spain’s biggest-ever trial against the MS13 begins, the evidence presented is already revealing strong similarities between the gang’s failed expansion and unification attempts in Spain and those the gang undertook in the United States.

As InSight Crime detailed in a 2016 investigative series, at the same time that the MS13’s leadership in El Salvador began coordinating with cells in Spain to create the “Program 34” expansion plan, a similar plan known as “The Project” was already underway in the United States. In both cases, MS13 leaders in Salvadoran prisons attempted to unify disparate, localized cells in each country and increase revenue streams by ramping up drug sales and the collection of dues from members.

However, the MS13’s apparent attempts to increase communication and coordination of drug trafficking activities between top leadership in El Salvador and cells in other countries have repeatedly failed for various reasons.

The MS13’s loose hierarchy and decentralized cliques have complicated attempts at unification, at the same time that the gang’s violence and notoriety have drawn law enforcement attention to their operations. In Spain and the United States, the MS13’s plans to consolidate were promptly brought down by investigations that centered on phone taps of the conversations between leaders of local cliques and imprisoned leaders in El Salvador. ... nal-unity/
Jail's not so bad. You can make sangria in the toilet. Course, it's shank or be shanked.
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